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Echo Weaver: Veil of Shadows

Whispers in the Storm

Whispers in the Storm sets the stage as the foundational adventure in a long campaign, portraying the town of Bracken Bay as a microcosm of everyday life against which the extraordinary will unfurl. As the initial foray into the Echo Weaver series of adventures, it cultivates a sense of the normal world and then introduces the complex motives of protagonists and antagonists alike, the intricate web of competing factions, and the embryonic threads of an existential threat. Through a blend of role-playing, mystery-solving, and the promise of looming adventure, it weaves the early narrative fabric that will challenge players to navigate a world of increasing complexity and imminent peril.


In the heart of Bracken Bay, as the echoes of Ilythiira's wrath subside, the mystery of Arcanabulum Mondain beckon. Adventurers must uncover a trail of cryptic clues, where turbulent seas have delivered more than just wreckage to the town's blackened shores. 


Intertwined destinies beckon from the wreckage of the Iron Requiem leading players on a suspenseful journey underpinned by hidden motives and veiled threats. The answers lie with the whispering winds, the shadowed cliffs, and the restless spirits of the bay as players navigate the portents of a deeper, darker truth.


  • Bracken Bay comes alive with a rich cast of NPCs, each with entwined sidequests and personal ambitions, painting a tapestry of daily life spiced with secrets and schemes.

  • A shadowy figure offers arcane whispers and foreshadows the supernatural forces at work, pulling adventurers towards an inevitable confrontation with the unknown.

  • Haunting visions from bygone days emerge, offering glimpses into ancient mysteries and connecting players to the deeper lore of the Echo Weaver campaign.

  • The aftermath of a savage storm sets the stage, the wreckage of the Iron Requiem washed ashore, beckoning the curious and the brave to uncover its concealed truths.

  • At the heart of the wreckage, a mysterious artifact lies dormant, waiting to be retrieved, promising to unlock pathways to unfathomable power and further mysteries.

  • All new creatures, exciting combat design, mysteries and difficult choices abound.

  • Amidst the turmoil, "Whispers in the Storm" weaves a tale of intrigue and discovery, where every uncovered secret propels the saga forward into the depths of legend and trepidation.


Rules: Compatible with 5e

Tier: Local Heroes, Lvls 1-4

Setting: Nestled by the Iceguard Sea, Bracken Bay is a small frontier town with well-trodden streets and salt-worn homes. Its busy harbor is the lifeblood of a community known for its resilience and complex motives.

Duration: 6-10 sessions

The cover of "Whispers in the Storm" from The Echo Weaver: Veil of Shadows sidequest series. It depicts a vibrant, colorful scene with a red-leaved tree and a rider on horseback in the foreground. The Royal Order of Good Cheer logo is at the top.
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