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Echo Weaver: Sidequest Series

Whispering Wood

​A dark fantasy adventure ingrained with elements of mystery and exploration. Aimed at immersing players in a narrative-rich environment, it requires them to interpret clues, solve intricate puzzles, and engage with the sentient land in a quest to unravel the forest's condition. With a narrative guided by the forest's own ethereal entities, the quest weaves exploration with environmental storytelling, where players interact directly with the forces affecting the woodland realm, revealing the layered history and plight of the Whispering Wood.


As Thorgrim Ironhand's apprentices vanish into the depths of the Whispering Wood, an unease grips the nearby village of Bracken Bay. Venturing into this mystery, the adventurers encounter clues that hint at hidden dangers. Deeper exploration reveals the wood's sentient nature and whispers of ancient secrets. To rescue the lost apprentices and negotiate peace with the enraged spirits, the heroes must unravel the forest's dark mysteries and confront its ancient malevolence. Can they restore balance to the Whispering Wood, or will they become another whisper in its shadows?


  • A central mystery with interactive clues and hazards guiding the path of discovery

  • Encounters with all new creatures such as Wraithvine Protectors, Mistshroud Elementals, Tanglebark Guardians, Necrospore Devourers, and Necrospore Animates.

  • New and unique loot items.


Rules: Compatible with 5e

Tier: Local Heroes, lvls 1-4

Setting: Once a symphony of life, this sentient forest now succumbs to suffocating stillness. Amidst the gnarled branches, an oppressive fog coils around adventurers' ankles, beckoning them deeper into its heart. This is no ordinary woodland; it breathes and watches, whispering secrets through leaves that never rustle.

Duration: 1-2 sessions

The cover of "Whispering Wood" from The Echo Weaver: Veil of Shadows sidequest series. It depicts a dark, shadowy, tree-like creature looming over a figure in a cloak, set against a teal background. The Royal Order of Good Cheer logo is at the top.
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