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Revised D&D Healing Mechanics

A lone figure sits by a ruined brick wall in a dark, eerie forest, illuminated by a small fire, with twisted trees and a distant tower in the background.

To enhance gameplay and streamline the use of healing abilities in combat, we’ve implemented Revised D&D Healing Mechanics. These changes allow adventurers to quickly tap into curative powers, maintaining the momentum and intensity of battle.

Bonus Action Healing

In the heat of battle, where every second counts, adventurers have learned to swiftly draw upon the curative powers of standard healing potions, quaffing them in a flash to stay on their feet and in the fight.

Once per combat, a player can consume a standard potion of healing as a bonus action, but only to heal themselves.

Consuming any potion other than a standard healing potion, including administering a potion to an ally (conscious or unconscious), requires a full action.

A player cannot use this bonus action to consume another potion of healing if they have already used a potion of healing as a bonus action in the same combat.

Healing Surge

In the direst moments of battle, when all seems lost, a deep reservoir of resilience and grit allows heroes to tap into a fleeting surge of healing power.

During combat, as an action, a character can use a healing surge and spend up to half their Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent in this way, the player rolls the die and adds the character's Constitution modifier. The character regains hit points equal to the total. The player can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll.

A character who uses a healing surge can't do so again until they finish a short or long rest.

A character regains all spent Hit Dice at the end of a long rest.

At the end of a short rest a character regains Hit Dice equal to their level divided by four (minimum of one die).

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