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D&D Wisdom (Teamwork) Check

A lone warrior with a shield stands on a rocky, illuminated path, facing a massive dragon perched on a cliff under a dramatic, purple and pink sky, while a second warrior looks on from below.

During combat, players sometimes offer advice or suggestions to others on how to play their turn. While this can be helpful, especially for new players, it’s important to maintain individual player autonomy.

If a player receives advice or suggestions from another player during their turn, they can make a Wisdom (Teamwork) check to see if their character could have thought of it themselves. The Game Master sets a DC for this check based on how complex or obscure the advice is.

On a successful check, the character is considered to have had the insight to think of this tactic on their own and can choose to act on the advice. On a failed check, the character couldn’t have thought of the tactic themselves, and the player should proceed without using the advice.

This rule helps balance teamwork and individual decision-making, ensuring all players feel in control of their characters.


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