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Echo Weaver: Sidequest Series

Heart's Deception

Heart's Deception is an adventure heavily grounded in the arts of subterfuge and revelation, designed to engross players in a rich narrative that intricately blends investigation with robust action sequences. As adventurers peel away the layers of a maritime mystery steeped in betrayal and the supernatural, they are called upon to employ stealth, wit, and strategic combat. Ultimately, the quest probes the moral complexities of justice and redemption, providing players with a profound opportunity to shape the fate of Bracken Bay and its haunted inhabitants through their choices and cunning.


In Heart's Deception, adventurers are called to the wintry seascape of Bracken Bay, where the icy winds carry whispers of treachery and lost spirits. A story of sorrow unfolds, one that tugs at the heartstrings and beckons brave souls to unravel a tapestry of deceit involving Maris Seawave and the apparitions aboard the ghostly vessel known as the Dawn Star. As the specters of the past rise, so too does the call for justice—the heroes must pierce the veil of shadows to reveal the truth behind a tragic tale of betrayal, with the culmination of their quest resting in the hands of both the living and the departed.


  • The haunting legacy of the Dawn Star as an atmospheric backdrop for a series of supernatural interactions, combats, and investigations.

  • Detailed nonplayer characters with rich backstories that contribute to an engaging role-play experience and complex narrative development.

  • New creatures that provide eerie encounters and fresh mechanical challenges.

  • Intrigue-filled loot and magical items relevant to the Heart's Deception theme.


Rules: Compatible with 5e

Tier: Local Heroes, lvls 1-4

Setting: At the Silvered Anchor Inn in Bracken Bay, adventurers gather where the frosted shores of the Iceguard Sea meet tales of ghostly ships and hidden treachery.

Duration: 1-2 sessions

The cover of "Heart's Deception" from The Echo Weaver: Veil of Shadows sidequest series. It depicts two ghostly ships at a foggy dock with a mysterious figure on the pier. The scene is dark and atmospheric with green hues. The Royal Order of Good Cheer logo is at the top.
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