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A dark, dramatic scene of a skeletal warrior wearing a crown, riding a giant, armored beast with large tusks. The background is filled with an intense, fiery sky and silhouettes of spears and banners, suggesting a battlefield. The warrior's red cape billows in the wind, adding to the sense of movement and chaos.

Game Studio

Royal Order of Good Cheer

Royal Order of Good Cheer is a game studio where narrative depth and shared experiences converge, creating impactful gaming moments that resonate beyond the tabletop.



To elevate your game nights with tales that captivate and worlds that inspire. Our mission is simple, to offer adventures that spark the imagination and bring people together, creating memories one roll at a time.


Narratives of Consequence

The masterful creation of immersive, character-rich narratives interwoven with choice-driven moral quandaries that build not just a game, but a shared journey where every player's choice can unfold epic tales of companionship.


Tales that Unite

Inspired by the camaraderie and collaborative storytelling at the heart of tabletop role-playing games, and seeking to further enrich this experience, we create adventures that resonate with players. By blending intricate narratives and moral choices, our games do more than entertain—they connect and inspire, fostering lasting friendships and memorable tales around every table.

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